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REF: 2018 TRAN 270057-777
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REF: 2018 TRAN 270057-777
Rarest guitars personally owned from music legends Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, and Michael Jackson to be put to good use “FOR CHARITY”
Vancouver, Canada (September 21, 2018) – Music insider “Gary Guitar” puts his three rarest guitars previously owned by Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, and Michael Jackson to raise monies for charities with a worldwide unique event for three years consecutively. Starting with the only guitar in the public domain is the Bob Marley’s custom Washburn Hawk guitar valued at $6.5 million USD. Bob Marley gave this guitar to his personal friend Gary Guitar at his very last concert in Canada.

This charity-based event “1LuckyFan” or “Bob Marley Guitar Giveaway” with the “$500 Hundred Million Dollar Charity Challenge” has just began this year. The only chance to get the rarest and most expensive guitar in the world is to either register online at or by postal mail.
“Our goal is to raise at least $500 million US dollars for the first year”, said Gary Guitar, 1LuckyFan event founder. “In 2019, it will be Jimi Hendrix’s guitar at” “In 2020, it will be Michael Jackson’s guitar at“.
One must register and submit a simple essay titled “A Gift from the King of Reggae”, in 750 words or less, explaining why the registrant and/or their charity should benefit from having this piece of history is required.
With the charity challenge, one option can be chosen per essay submission: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Youtube, Radio Station, Newspaper, Postal Mail, Talk Show, and Wristband. Each applicant will include $10 USD processing fee with their essay or a $15 USD processing fee with their essay and a wristband excluding applicable taxes, postal and shipping charges.
Over thirty charities have touched the founder’s heart Gary Guitar and will receive their donations on this multi-million dollar charity-based event to help target their specific humanitarian goals. Among the beneficiaries are: The One Love Organization, The Charles Darwin Foundation, Elton John Aids Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, The Rita Marley Foundation, The Jackson Family Foundation, The Jimi Hendrix Foundation, War Child, The Princes Trust, Shriner’s International, Doctors Without Borders, Melanoma network Of Canada, Reporters Without Borders, Hope Air, Make A Wish Foundation, The Happy Liver Society, Justice Institute of British Columbia, The Dee Dee Jackson Foundation, Wounded Warriors of Canada, Music Heals, Ocean Unite, Kids Up Front, Food Banks Canada, Amnesty International, Canadian Coalition For The Rights Of Children, The Hendrix Music Academy, The Pivot Legal Society, National Association of Federal Retirees, The David Foundation Foundation, The HAVE Culinary Training Society, The Jimi Hendrix Family Foundation, and Bono’s ONE Campaign.
Gary Guitar, who has always been very fascinated with pop culture, also added a charity challenge component between the current top ten Instagram celebrities who are involved with charities. This list includes Selena Gomez @selenagomez, Cristiano Ronaldo @cristiano, Ariana Grande @arianagrande, Beyonce @beyonce, Kim Kardashian @kimkardashian, Kylie Jenner @kyliejenner, Taylor Swift @taylorswift, Dwayne Johnson @therock, Justin Bieber @justinbieber and Neymar da Silve Santos Junior @neymarjr who collectively have a fan base of over one billion people. Whichever Instagram top ten celebrity fan-based submits the most essays to in the celebrity’s name wins. If that celebrity Instagram is selected, a cheque of one million dollars to the charity of the celebrity’s choice will be given. One of the Instagram celebrity fan base essay/letter submissions selected by the analytics program from the winning celebrity will be one of the ten finalists.
Similarly, a challenge of a throwdown competition between North American talk show hosts from television shows, namely, The Ellen Show with Ellen Degeneres, Wendy Williams; Join or Die with Craig Ferguson; The View; Star Talk with Neil deGrasse Tyson; Real Time with Bill Maher; The Daily Show with Trevor Noah; Conan with Conan O’Brien; Last Week Tonight with John Oliver; The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon; Jimmy Kimmil Live; The Late Late Show with James Corden; Live with Kelly and Ryan; Late Night with Seth Meyers; The Late Show with Stephen Cobert; Steve with Steve Harvey, and Johnny Carson, has been included. “I have always been very impressed the way that talk show hosts have helped so many charities behind the scenes, Gary Guitar explained, “I am very aware that back in the day, Johnny Carson was very involved in the charity arena and brought many eyes to the various causes he endorsed and participated in helping hundreds of thousands. This tradition seems to have carried on over to the talk show hosts in today’s climate. So, I have included the man himself Johnny Carson. I have done this because he may beat out talk show hosts that are alive as Mr. Carson passed away in 2005.'”
“The selected participant that comes through the radio station challenge, as an example, will receive of up to a million dollar donation for the radio station’s charity – hence, a competition between radio stations worldwide. The chosen participant’s radio station gets to choose their charity for the donation. The same concept goes with the newspapers, talk shows, and celebrity’s Instagram category”, added Gary Guitar.
“Onboarding with such a unique project is both exciting and wonderful”, added Ian Tostenson, former President and CEO of the David Foster Foundation. “This is also an industry-specific charity challenge – therefore, I encourage those who are in the broadcasting, media and social media industry to take advantage of it and promote the charity of their choice.”
All essay submissions are processed by an analytics program and must be received by September 1, 2019. The ten finalists will be selected and announced at and by September 10, 2019.
The event has a selection committee of diverse backgrounds are as follows: Red Robinson, a rock and roll DJ hall of famer; Chuck Mack, chairman of the Teamsters North America; Ian Tostenson, former president and CEO of the David Foster Foundation; Leon Hendrix, Jimi Hendrix’s brother; Gerardo Jerry Velez, a world famous percussionist from Jimi Hendrix’s band Gypsy Sun and Rainbows from Woodstock; Sir James Allan Barlow, the great great grandson of Charles Darwin, a Baronet; Joe Rosignolo, chairman of a 501(c)(3) charity Jimi Hendrix Foundation; Peter S. Koemmerling, international businessman extra-ordinaire; and Peter Seitz, legendary music insider to the stars.
All charity, media and social media representatives will also be invited to interview finalists for their category, and the event will be a live broadcast online headed by Gene Greenwood, a pioneer in his field.
The 1LuckyFan event will be held at the luxury five-star diamond famous Hard Rock Casino Molson Theater in Vancouver, Canada. Special guest/s along with the ten finalists and the category representatives attending the event will be announced by September 20, 2019 on the websites mentioned. Their travel expenses will be arranged and paid for by the event organizer.
A line of merchandise is also available for purchase to show support of the project.
This charitable project is specially not a lottery, raffle or a game-of-chance. It is a fundraising event through paid essay registrations selected mainly by the merits of the submitted essay. There is no country restriction for any registrant. Registrants must only conform with the laws of where they reside and of Canada.
Registrations are now open for public worldwide.
For the full interview with Gary Guitar please go to:
Use hashtags: #1LuckyFan and #BobsGuitarOrg
All advertising inquiries can be submitted to:
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For the pay per view pre register log on go to :
If any one detects any fraud-related issues, please go to: is a charity-based event project headed by a hyperaltruist “Gary Guitar”, under a social advocacy entity with donations of funds for different charities worldwide, registered in Canada.
1. 1LuckyFan 2. Event Specifics 3. Charity Talk 4.Technology 5. Bob Marley Experience 6. Bob Experience 7. Jimi Experience 8. Project Specifics 9. Security Talk 10. Merchandise 11.Gary Guitar Talk 12. Money Talk
Mr. Karlsen, I am here today all the way from the UK to your beautiful city of Vancouver, BC, Canada. On behalf of the Charles Darwin Press Release Agency (CDPRA), thank you for granting us to do this interview with you. You let us know before that behind the scenes, you are very wary of new people around you in the private world you live in and don’t trust many people. It’s a privilege to be trusted in that case. Also, I am very impressed to say the least that you did not want to know any of the questions I have prepared for this interview. We usually get both planned questions and no go questions from the interviewee.
Also, I’m surprised that you said, if I may quote you, “Ask what ever you want, everything is on the table”. So, let’s get started. You’re here today to speak about an amazing charity-based project you’re heading – one that is a give-back-to-society charity themed global type of event.
Mr. Karlsen:
I want to begin by saying how grateful and humbled I am by this interview with the Charles Darwin Press Release Agency. Please, you don’t need to call me Mr. Karlsen. “Gary Guitar” is just fine!
When you sent me the pre-access codes before going online live with the site, I must say that personally I was overwhelmed as it’s incredible on what you are doing. As I did my in-depth research and went through your charity project’s website, please correct me if I am wrong on this, the charity themed endeavor collectively is over a three-year period and is a massive charity project at very high-end level with your forethought which was structured and conceptualized by you. Am I right that the two main theme’s for this charity project are based off of the “1LuckyFan” and the “Five Hundred Million Dollar Industry Charity Challenge” by simply submitting a merits based essay/letter for a ten US dollars processing fee explaining in 750 words or less why you and or your Charity should receive Bob Marley’s custom Washburn Hawk guitar? And in the end, someone in the world will receive the guitar that you have refused an offer of 6.5 million in US dollars from a billionaire. Your guitar is so rare and is officially acknowledged by the Jamaica National Heritage Trust as a national treasure. Even the Hard Rock International franchise could never display Bob’s guitar because of their security concerns – since, it’s the only guitar personally owned in the public domain in the world. And the Bob Marley guitar handover “1LuckyFan” event and concert will be held at the luxury, five-star diamond, and internationally famous Hard Rock Casino Molson Theater in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Can you please elaborate?
Gary Guitar:
Well I must admit you have summed up this charity project in a very simplistic form. I will try with this interview to cover the many working parts of a project such as this in very simple terms. I can say you are one hundred percent correct as it’s really quite simple as anyone from around the world can submit a merits-based essay/letter by either snail mail and/or on the website By going to the center of Bob Marley’s guitar and clicking on “GET REGISTERED” and explain in 750 words or less on why you and/or your charity should receive Bob Marley’s custom Washburn Hawk guitar. All essays/letters that get submitted in this international charity-based project with the “1LuckyFan” and the “Five Hundred Million Dollar” industry for charity challenge is to help raise monies for all the charities I personally believe in, which is the project’s overall goal. This is based off of (CSR) or corporate social responsibility. Every essay/letter that goes through our website including snail mail is processed with an in-house analytics program. The analytics software is programmed to find over 1500 keywords in the merits-based essays/letters submitted. We’re projected for more than 50 to 60 million fans to respond over a 365-day period – and, we may even pass our targeted financial goal. The analytics program can analyze millions of entries and break them down to the ten selected fans from the portal avenues chosen for the different categories. Fans can also write in by snail mail as I mentioned. Those essay/letters will be scanned and turned into data by Scanhouse, a company in Vancouver, Canada. All of the submission details will be outlined on our website The ten lucky fans chosen by the merits and skills of their submitted essay/letter will be chosen by the analytics program and they will be contacted by email. They will be invited to the luxury, five-star diamond, and internationally famous Hard Rock Casino Molson Theater in Vancouver, Canada. There will be a concert event along with the guitar handover to the “1LuckyFan”. All expenses will be paid for by for the ten selected fans and the representative of each category. To add the human element to the decision process the “1LuckyFan” event has a very highly qualified selection committee of ten very diverse learned individuals. They will assist in the final “1LuckyFan” selection process. The final person that is selected by the committee will be announced as the 1LuckyFan and their essay/letter will be presented to the world. He or she will receive the 6.5 million dollar custom Washburn Hawk guitar. By the way, the Bob Marley guitar is only the beginning. So far, this is going to be a 3-year project with the other celebrity-owned guitars I have.
Can you please tell us about where the Bob Marley guitar handover and concert event takes place?
Gary Guitar:
The venue I am dealing with for the Bob’s guitar handover 1LuckyFan event is the luxury, five-star diamond, and internationally famous Hard Rock Casino Molson Theater in Vancouver, Canada. I have been dealing with the Regional Manager of the Great Canadian Gaming Corporation chain Johnny Defazio and his great staff to make this event happen in a very big way. I must say the one team member I am very impressed with is Jennifer Menge, the manager in charge of the Hard Rock Molson Theater venue. It’s great to deal with a real top international professional in the west coast market as it makes my job easier with this bespoke type of event so we are in very good hands.
Can you please tell us who some of the selection committee panel judges might be?
Gary Guitar:
Our confirmed Selection Committee of judges are: Chuck Mack, Chairman of the Teamsters in North America; Ian Tostenson, former President and CEO of the David Foster Foundation and is currently the President and CEO of the BC Restaurant and Food Services Association (BCRFA); Junior Marvin, Bob Marley’s guitarist in the Wailers; Mr Peter Kommerling, international businessman extraordinaire; Red Robinson, Canadian DJ/Radio show personality and a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame; Sir James Allan Barlow Bt., the great great grandson of Charles Darwin; Joe Rosignolo, President and CEO of the Jimi Hendrix Foundation; Gerardo “Jerry” Velez, percussionist with Jimi Hendrix Band Gypsy Sun and Rainbows “Band of Gypsy’s” at Woodstock; Peter Seitz, manager/agent for the Jackson family members; and Leon Hendrix, professional musician and the brother of Jimi Hendrix. By the way, I had talked to Mr. Ho as he had submitted offers for the important guitar’s to also be on the selection committee but because the timing of commitments he is unable to do so. I am very fortunate to have everyone on board. This selection committee team are very learned in many areas and completely impartial. They think completely outside of the box. I depend on this very bespoke team to help select the right individual based on the writing merits of the essay/letter submissions to receive the Bob Marley custom Washburn Hawk guitar. Collectively, these are very wise and deeply learned individuals that are far more experienced than I. We will all be in safe hands.
Can you tell us a little about the musical lineup for the concert/guitar handover event?
Gary Guitar:
There is going to be a concert in conjunction with the 1LuckyFan guitar handover event. We are currently at the very preliminary stages at this point. Gerardo “Jerry Velez”, a member of our Selection Committee, is currently in talks with the fantastic award-winning group Spyro Gyra as this was one of his bands back in the day. Also, the great work he has done with Nile Rodgers for the last 35 years is a whole story all within itself. I have been talking to him about others of which I can’t reveal just yet. I will say that with Jerry, you are dealing with music royalty and one of the most wanted percussionist on the planet who played originally with Jimi Hendrix and Spyro Gyra, which has won every important Jazz awards on the planet. Since then, as he has recorded and played with every important band in the world, anything is possible for talent. I am also speaking with Juma Sultan, the great percussionist for the Gypsy Sun and Rainbows “Band of Gypsys” Jimi’s band that played Woodstock. Another great person with talent is Regi Hendrix, a Hendrix family member, from Wayland, New York. Regi just happens to be a left-handed guitarist (same as Jimi) and has a great band all filled with original songs. Talks are also currently underway for the Wailers to play the event. Deep down in my heart, I really would love to see the Wailers play the event. To round out this musical event as a tribute to Bob Marley, I would love to see Ziggy Marley, Damian Marley, Stephen Marley and their groups collectively play the event. They’ve all had a lot of international success as musicians and I respect them all. As far as Bob’s musical family, Ziggy, the first son I met whom I feel personally, is very underrated as a songwriter. I will say that he’s great, and I would love to have him play this event. I’ve have always respected Ziggy’s songwriting. He is a very consummate individual with big shoes to fill being Bob’s son along with his brothers and sisters. They all have done great work as being their own entities. It’s been 23 years since we met and talked at the Another Roadside Attraction event at UBC’s Thunderbird Stadium on July 13, 1995. It was in Vancouver, Canada with his band Ziggy Marley and the Melody Makers backing up The Tragically Hip band. The event had a crowd of around 30,0000 fans and was to support and protest forest clear cutting in British Columbia, Canada. This was also the first time I met Gordon Downie. That’s a whole story in itself. All I can say is he was a very passionate Canadian with very great heart and soul. You will find this interesting. I went to this event to hook up with Ziggy to pass his dad’s guitar over to him. He really was very respectful with me and when he realized who I was, he declined by saying,”My dad gave you his guitar for a reason. I could never take the guitar back. It’s yours forever”. I thought, “Wow – an incredible heart of Honor!” I told Ziggy that I would never sell the guitar and that I would put the guitar to use for charity when the time comes. I also would like to see Junior Marvin along with Ziggy give the custom Washburn Hawk guitar away to the 1LuckyFan recipient along with Rudy Schlacher, the builder and designer of the guitar and also the previous owner of Washburn Guitars. As I understand it, Rudy Schlacher has since sold Washburn guitars. Back on track, we are leaving all the negotiations with Geraldo “Jerry” Velez to pull the rabbit out of the hat on this one with the Marley’s territory. In fact, there is an interesting connection between Geraldo’s sister Martha Velez and Bob Marley in itself. Martha who was not just a personal friend of Bob’s back in the day but was one of the main musical producers, lead singer and collaborator on the Escape from Babylon album. She has also worked with Eric Clapton, Jack Bruce, Paul Kossoff, Halle Berry, Patrick Swayze, Dennis Hopper, Norman Lear, Samuel L. Jackson and was the lead in the Broadway’s original cast of Hair.
What charities are you personally supporting with this project?
Gary Guitar:
The charities I’ve been looking at are very personal and close to my heart of which I endorse. I’m trying to be an extension of and do what I believe Bob Marley if alive would have done as if he was here. Bare with me as I am doing this off the top of my mind as there are many to mention.
The Rita Marley Foundation – It does great work with the alleviation of poverty and being the tool helping to eradicate hunger and to promote education. A very great and needed entity to bring clean water for thousands of our brothers and sisters in need.
Melanoma Network of Canada – This charity really hits home with me because my friend died of this nasty disease.
Hard Rock Heals Foundation – They fund locally music-driven programs across the globe. The foundation provides grants and individuals whose goal is to heal through the power of music with the opportunity to improve lives and promote wellness.
Habitat for Humanity – It’s great that they help families and that there is a helping hand up and not a hand out. Absolutely a great international organization!
The Have Culinary Training Society – This is an entity that helps students and youths plus adults facing barriers that may include mental and physical disabilities, poverty and addiction. Again, another fantastic organization based in Vancouver, Canada. They are an entity that needs to be coast to coast in Canada.
Hope Air – They fly sick children and their families around the world for surgical needs and health procedures. An incredible idea made real!
The David Foster Foundation – This foundation is now in its 32nd year that helps families and children in need of life-saving organ transplants along with assistance in the family’s needed areas for sick children.
The Hendrix Music Academy – It is located in Renton Washington and run by Tina Hendrix, Leon’s Hendrix daughter. The academy is a 501(c)(3) entity that provides music education, intervention and mentoring programs to at-risk youths. I was very impressed and I really admire Tina Hendrix as she is making the Hendrix name great in charity with her entity.
The Pivot Legal Society – It is a cornerstone entity helping those that are in need of legal help when the regular coarse to seek legal help is hampered.
Kids Up Front – Their mission is to provide uplifting experiences to children-in-need through the redistribution of donated tickets to arts, culture, recreation and sporting events, and making sure that every child has the opportunity to be inspired.
The Dee Dee Jackson Foundation – This foundation is dedicated to Dee Dee Jackson Tito Jackson’s wife’s and the mother of Taj, Taryll, and TJ. The entity an extension of her legacy of charity and compassion for her fellow brothers and sisters with diverse areas such as “Music Heals” therapy programs along with those that have suffered loss in life with grief with a path of healing providing supports groups.
The Princess Trust – This great international entity helps in many diverse areas in many countries worldwide of which Michael Jackson, I believe, gave three or four hundred thousand dollars to while he was alive.
The Happy Liver Society – Set up by Karen Stacey; helping liver transplants recipients with a housing program to help the transplant patients in before and after transition support.
Jimi Hendrix Foundation – It is a 501(c)(3) charity founded by Al Hendrix, Jimi’s father. They provide music education and helping at risk youth to keep them away from guns, drugs, and gangs. Joe Rosignolo currently runs the entity.
The Canadian Coalition for The Rights Of Children – I love that this foundation as it promotes respect for the rights of children in Canada and worldwide.
Elton John Aids Foundation – This great entity was first brought up to me by music royalty and legend Long John Baldry of which I had known for over forty years. He is the person that discovered and help the careers of both Rod Stewart and Sir Elton John (of which has the name John in his name because of Long John Baldry). LJB told me about this incredible foundation back in 1992 as both of us had lost friends to aids. In this case, his friend Freddie Mercury succumb to this nasty disease.
The Charles Darwin Foundation – They aid in the areas of endangered species and threatened wildlife and is deeply involved in habitat wildlife preservation around the world.
Food Banks Canada – They bridge food banks coast to coast across Canada and help thousands of individuals and families that are in need.
ONE – It is a global campaign and advocacy organization that is helping end poverty and disease and was set up by Bono from U2.
Shrines International – They provide medical care and helping children worldwide with hospitals and burn units.
Sea Shepherd – It is an international non-profit ocean conservation organization founded in 1977 by Captain Paul Watson. Their mission is to protect all marine wildlife and end the ocean’s destruction. Sea Shepherd uses direct-action to expose and stop poaching, unsustainable fishing and habitat destruction – as well as enforcing international conservation laws. This global movement has a fleet of nine ships and a number of smaller boats for its conservation campaigns.
The Jimi Hendrix Family Foundation – This entity was set up in a partnership with Leon Hendrix, the brother of Jimi Hendrix. It’s purpose is to help at-risk youths with mentorship and career building programs.
The Jackson Family Foundation – This is a great entity promoting academic achievement, global peace, love and unity while preserving the legacy of charity from the Jackson Family.
The Stella McCartney Foundation – The foundation will have a dual focus of sustainability and breast cancer. This is a foundation to look out for.
War Child – Their mission is to help children in war-affected communities reclaim their childhood and providing access to education, opportunity and justice. They take an active role in raising public awareness and the impact of war on communities and the responsibility to act and gives children the chance to reclaim their childhood and break the cycle of poverty and violence. War violates every right of a child. Children face death, maiming, sexual violence and recruitment as child soldiers. The statistics are just terrifying.
WWF – It’s the leading independent conservation working in more than 100 countries. The organization addresses issues from the survival of species and habitats to climate change, sustainable business and environmental education, creating solutions to the most important environmental challenges facing the planet.
We are currently reaching out to other charities that are very close to my heart such as Amnesty International, Make a Wish Foundation, Doctors Without Borders, Reporters Without Borders, Music Heals, Ocean Unite, The Justice institute of British Columbia, Wounded Warriors of Canada, The National Association of Federal Retirees and more. My team and I are just waiting to get verifications from those charities if they want to participate.
Has there been any charities that you’ve reached out to not wanting to participate for one reason or another?
Gary Guitar:
We have only one up to this point and that is Guitars for Vets. As an ex-military myself, this kind of hurt me because this is another charity organization I absolutely love. They offer guitars and music therapy programs to veterans with various conditions including PTSD stress syndromes. They create a bridge of therapy and relief for men and women when they come home from military deployment. They had for some reason made a judgement call based off of misinformation of which, don’t get me wrong, I really can’t blame them looking at it from their point of view. They were projected to get a million a year for the over all three-year project for a total of three million dollars. One would think that with the great talent pool they have, someone should have done correct due diligence to get a proper and correct conclusion. That being said, they know how to get in touch with me if the situation changes.
I am very intrigued by the “Five Hundred Million Dollar Industry For Charity Challenge”. Can you elaborate on this concept and how you ended up with the figure?
Gary Guitar:
The “Five Hundred Million Dollar Industry for Charity Challenge” is a corporate social responsibility challenge from us to all the industries involved in the different categories for our online registration process: radio stations, newspapers, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, talk show hosts, and YouTube. This number is based on the current forward-thinking projections and all will be based on the overall essay/letter submission totals. This is a great opportunity for all these industries to promote their goals for each of the ten categories for their charities to raise funds by sending their audience, listeners, or members to website. These media industries and social sites all of which reach currently the 7.4 billion recorded people on our planet as it is a great tool for their promotions department to brainstorm on how to receive up to a million dollars for their charity. As an example, I am a member of LinkedIn and I have loved it from day one. They do great work pertaining to corporate social responsibility and promoting awareness. That’s why I have Linkedin as part of the “corporate social responsibility challenge” just for that reason. I got the idea from Linkedin for this overall category. I need to add the overall concept of Linkedin is an absolute genius idea by the principal founder Reid Hoffman and his co-founders. A put into play entity with a current membership base of just over 530 million members worldwide, a great social network connecting in all areas of business and employees for the business world for professionals, is self-evident. In doing so, we will give the CEO Jeffrey Weiner of Linkedin up to a million dollars from the monies raised in the Linkedin membership roster to his charity Plus, the selected merit skills based essay/letter through the member of Linkedin selected by our analytics program will receive up to a million dollars for their charity and could end up being the “1LuckyFan”. When one includes the fact that Bob Marley as a whole has over 3 billion fans worldwide, this would make this project one of the highest earning charitable events on the planet to date. Based off the ten categories we have with this project, we only need fifty million essay/letter submissions to achieve the “Five Hundred Million Dollar Industry for Charity Challenge”. We are looking to even pass our overall goal for each of the three years.
Since you’ve been compiling ideas and concepts for this project for many years, why expose it now rather than an early time?
Gary Guitar:
Well! This all started because of one other interview I’ve ever had that sparked my mind at the time involving charity. This was about my Bob Marley Washburn guitar on December, 7,1996. I was interviewed by the fantastic media professional Katherine Monk from the Vancouver Sun newspaper. I saw it as as a big opportunity at the time for the future to share my thoughts and ambitions regarding charity. I then started thinking about a project at the time, DJOD or Different Journeys, One Destination. But, this project at the time was so forward-thinking with innovation that I had to wait for the internet and technology to finally catch up to help with what I was trying to accomplish. That particular project went nowhere as a result of the unavailable technology. I felt that I had let others and myself down at the time and this really took me a long period of time to get over. So, we are really making up for that lost time and some of my old crew have come back for this project. We don’t have the technology problem anymore. I really must say that I thank my heroes Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Vinton Grey Cerf and Robert Elliot Kahn. They are the three people that most likely, at the time, made something evolutionary. I think their project was something that was such a new territory and very challenging with a lot of grey areas. And, please pardon the language, they kissed the hell out of it! If it wasn’t for these three talented individuals that invented the internet, I would not be able to do this project. Thanks a gazillion times to these amazing inventors that they made it very simple for us at the end of the day. Hence, the KISS principle – Keep It Simple Stupid. Now that time has caught up to what the internet is today, I am able to fulfill my dreams pertaining to charity.
I understand that you had known Bob Marley very well. How did that happen?
Gary Guitar:
Yes, it is correct! I got to know Bob over a period of time. I met him about 5 or 6 times before his last gig on November 21, 1979 at the Vancouver Coliseum. At the last gig in Vancouver, I was playing his really cool guitar in his dressing room. It was a double cutaway custom Washburn Hawk in beautiful natural exotic woods. It’s a guitar where I could play it left-handed and right-handed as I am ambidextrous. Because of the double cutaway with this model, I could reach the notes, left-handed or right-handed easily. He saw that I really took to the guitar. I really loved the feel and balance of the guitar and as far as I’m concerned. With millions of other Washburn Guitar owners, this is a great line with a variety of guitars for all. He had always called me “Gary Guitar” from when we first met back in 1976 at Center Sportif in Montreal, Quebec. He was fascinated that I could play both left-handed and right-handed. Henceforth, the name “Gary Guitar” because of Bob. This all started because Bob needed work on his Gibson guitar and I offered to help. He really like how I hot-rodded his guitar and ended up doing all four of his guitars. This sure brings back a lot of memories. I really miss Bob till this day. He was a very humble, cool individual and was someone I really connected with. He and I hit it off from our first meeting. As a result, I ended up with his guitar of which at the time I didn’t understand why as I never asked for it. I found out years later on from Junior Marvin. He filled me in on what was kind of going on at the time that I received the guitar from Bob. He said that Bob was actually diagnosed with some form of cancer in a period of time before the tour. Then, I found out later that his cancer started out as a form of melanoma. This was to be his last tour. I never saw him again. I heard, like everyone else, that he passed away. I was shocked and very saddened. That was the first time I received a guitar from someone that was a legend and most of all a great friend. I even asked him why he was giving me this guitar. He just looked at me and said, “You will understand someday”. He gave it to me out of the kindness of his heart and because we were friends and because, I think, he must have known we would never see each other again. Since then, I have gotten very close to Junior Marvin. He was the main lead guitarist with the Wailers. Junior is a really great guy and a fine guitar player. He was there when I got the Washburn Hawk guitar from Bob. To this day, I don’t know if Junior even knew fully how deeply serious with what was happening with Bob’s health at the time. I have had some very interesting talks with Rudy Schlacher, the owner of Washburn guitars, about the Bob Marley guitar that has put many smiles on my face over the years. He has a great personality and very much a star himself.
As you have a guitar from Michael Jackson for the third year can you tell me about your experience with the King of Pop?
Gary Guitar:
I met up with my insider contact at the venue that Michael Jackson was playing at and this venue was big. It can hold I believe around 80,000 people. I had never seen anything like this production and the incredible stage setup. It just absolutely blew my mind. This was going to be quite a concert, I said to myself. Through one of my management contacts, I was able to get a tour management laminated pass – one I couldn’t unfortunately keep as it was not in my name or photo. My mission and only reason actually going to venue was only to try and meet Tito Jackson, ironically. That was my initial goal. I wasn’t interested in Michael at all. He wasn’t a guitar player, that I knew of. I had the pleasure of meeting Tito. I shook his hand and seen that he was very busy and it seemed to me that he had a lot on his mind at the time so I didn’t want to disturb him. I have never been a groupie anyway. I didn’t end up spending any time with Tito unfortunately. But, I did through my contact meet and spend some time with Michael of all people. We were the same age. I had my long flowing hair and my rock and roll star clothes Michael was dressed to the nines. I could see upon meeting him what kind of an individual he perceived to me as, He was, very down to earth and focused. During our talks, he discovered that I knew Bob Marley. That broke the ice between us. He asked me questions about Bob and our undertakings while hanging out together, et cetera. He wanted to know more about me getting his guitar, which he thought was incredible! I have since then found out that Michael and his brothers did a concert with Bob and his band. It was 1975 in Jamaica when his brothers and himself hung out with Bob and his band. Also, Michael had asked me about a guy that hung around Vancouver by the name of Bobby Taylor and asked if I knew him. I had heard of Bobby Taylor. I had never met Bobby Taylor. I may have even seen his face and not know who he was. From what I understand, he is the person that actually discovered The Jacksons, and I believe he’s also from Vancouver. To this day, I haven’t even met him. I’d like to meet him. I told Michael I wouldn’t even know Bobby Taylor if he was standing beside me. It must be an interesting story he has meeting up with The Jacksons and discovering them. I wonder about whatever guidance he had for them at the time. But, Michael was more interested in talking about Bob Marley. So, Michael asked me, why the “Gary Guitar”? I told him I was ambidextrous. When he saw me play left-handed, upside down and backwards on this cool candy apple red Gibson Victory guitar he had, Michael enthusiastically blurted out, “Do you know what you could do with that?” I could well admit, from his point of view, what I could maybe do with it but I was definitely not up to the caliber of the Jackson’s stage performance-wise at the time to say the least. I sure wish I had known him past that period of time, but everybody goes their own way. From what I understand, the Victory Tour guitar was given to Michael by a man named Chuck Burge. Chuck was from Gibson Guitars and the designer and builder for the line of Victory guitars. He had given this guitar directly to Mike, during the Victory tour, when they played Pontiac Michigan from the 17th to the 19th of August 1984. Anyway, when I was in the dressing room and playing around with the Victory guitar, he didn’t ask me any questions as it seemed we were beyond questions at that point we had just talked about the music business at the time and period then out of nowhere he just said, “You can have that guitar”. I was caught off guard and surprised. He said listen, “You’re going to do more with this guitar than me”. I’m a keyboard player and entertainer not a guitar player. I made a joke and said, ” I think you sing a little, don’t you?” We just laughed then Mike said, “Just put it beside Bob’s guitar”. We both just laughed again. That was just part of hanging out with Michael Jackson for the short time I did. I never met Michael again. It came close a couple of times but it just didn’t work out.
Amazing! You have a guitar from Bob Marley and Michael Jackson. How many guitars do you have? You also have a guitar owned by Jimi Hendrix. Can you tell us about that too?
Gary Guitar:
I want to say this and try to be humble as being a collector myself, I have around 165 rare guitars along with all my touring musical stage equipment in my band secured practice hall in Squamish. It’s only 15 minutes off my doorstep from here in West Vancouver. Don’t forget that I have been doing this for over forty years so it adds up over a period of time.
Here’s a scoop for you. I have been very busy putting together a very special band with absolutely incredible musicians. For now, I can’t really say more so stay tuned. As far as guitars for this charitable 1luckyfan project, the second guitar I am putting up is my Jimi Hendrix’s “Rose” guitar. This was named after his grandmother Zenora “Nora” Rose Moore. Jimi’s guitar and electronics technician Dave Weyer with West Coast Organ and Amp Services in Hollywood California had worked on this guitar along with other guitars for Jimi. And, in our very long talks, he had confirmed and addressed all my concerns about this guitar and its providence, which is great! He also confirmed to me about a 1964 Fender Stratocaster sunburst guitar that Jimi gave his brother Leon Hendrix, which Leon still has till this day. Dave was Jimi’s personal guitar and equipment electronics tech and joined Jimi some time in 1968. The guitar I have is a 1962 Fender Stratocaster with a rosewood fingerboard and it’s pinkish in color with a white pickguard. Dave told me this guitar was put together with a selection of Jimi’s favorite neck and body parts. Jimi was very fond of a “certain set of pickups” for the sound of this particular guitar. The guitar doesn’t even have a serial number back neck plate, which is odd and did alarm me. The guitar still has the stickers that Dave applied at the shop back in 1968-69, which is really cool. Dave told me that a few of Jimi’s guitars were like that – just parts, always experimenting and searching for that right sound and feel. You know it was Dave that ordered the Telecaster neck and Neil Moser that spent the time fitting the Telecaster neck on the Strat body that Jimi played at Woodstock. It was also a guitar that was put together using very different and unique Jimi selected parts. Dave Weyer was the right kind of tech for Jimi. Jimi Hendrix’s sound at Woodstock was loud, clean and very sensitive. And, Dave made that happen. Another fact everyone should know is Dave Weyer is the mastermind rebuild behind the great sounding full sweep Vox wah wah pedals Jimi was using. To this day, Dave still has some very interesting “Jimi” projects in his lab. Products he was in the process of developing and still remain in his possession. I must also add that Neal Mosera was very much behind the scenes that worked on Jimi’s guitars. He worked at West Coast Organ and Amp Services and was the guitar electronics genius who tweaked Jimi’s foot pedals and happens to be the inventor of the Rich Bitch Guitar. He is the designer of the guitars and the electronics for his guitar line Moser Guitars. This guitar I have from what I understand from Dave and Neal was a guitar along with others that went to upstate to the practice mansion on Tavor Hollow Road in Shokan New York. It was to be played at Woodstock. The guitar unfortunately never played Woodstock. Gerardo Jerry Velez, who was Jimi’s 22-year-old percussionist for the Gypsy Sun and Rainbows “Band of Gypsys” that played at Woodstock at the time, confirmed this for me along with his sister Martha Velez who regrets till this day of not taking up Jimi’s offer to sing back up with the band at Woodstock. I also have talked to Jimi’s cook Claire Moriece and she remembers the guitar because she fell in love with the pink color.
On a side note, Gerardo and I have gotten to know each other very well over the last five years and have become close friends. He is just such a forward, in-depth, very learned, insightful, proactive-thinker and implementer. I love the work he is doing with as this entity helps teach future leaders on how to empower oneself. In my talks with Gerardo, he asked me about Vancouver, Canada because he had talks with Jimi on how much he loved Vancouver and that the Hendrix family is an old Vancouver Canadian family. Jimi’s father Al Hendrix along with all of Jimi’s uncles and aunts were born in the Vancouver General Hospital. Jimi’s family members are even buried in the old Vancouver cemetery Ocean View Burial Park such as Leon’s uncle of which he was named after. Jimi Hendrix and his family are so Canadian that Jimi Hendrix’s grandmother Zenora “Nora” Moore Hendrix, is on a Canadian stamp. I would not be far off by saying that Jimi Hendrix could have played O Canada! as the national anthem in Woodstock in Ontario, Canada. Now that would have been something!
Tell me more about your project now and where this idea came from? What sparked the idea for this project?
Gary Guitar:
During a business conversation, I had heard of an individual who had a project where a person would submit a merits based letter on why they should have their house given to them. I think the processing fee for the letter submission promotion was around $500 US dollars for the submission of a letter. You had to explain why you should end up with this person’s house. The house I believe was worth about $600,000 US dollars. The project sent a percentage of what the home’s worth was to charity. So, I decided this was fantastic idea! I thought to myself, “How could I use this idea and type of project to give back like this person did as everyone is a winner with this concept?”. From my personal point of view. I got Bob’s guitar for free. I got Michael’s guitar for free. I got the Jimi Hendrix 1962 Strat for free with caveat attached that I use it for charity. As an example, if I go to an auction house with the guitars of which I would never do, somebody rich is just going to put the guitars in their basement. They could go into some kind of a museum or some kind of musical forum where people will be charged to look at the guitars and the money does not benefit charity. That idea doesn’t really give back the way I want to give back. They’re going to gone from the public eye and it doesn’t feel right to let go of the guitars just like that. I looked into the traditional auction process because Eric Clapton went this way with his guitars and after looking how the game is played in this arena, I was very turned off. These auction houses are all out for their own interests. They will help anyone for charity as long as they make a buck for the company bottom line. I was also shocked at the fraud that has been going on for years in the auction house industry. This is not all the auction houses but the ones charged seem to be important and well-established entities. Just go online and look it up for yourself – price manipulation, rigging and the list just goes on and on. Don’t get me wrong, I really don’t believe everything online. But, when multiple auction houses in North America and Europe are legally charged after forensic investigation teams uncover all the fraud and the entities are charged – well, they will never see me or any property I own. I really looked at the give back charity model Eric Clapton used for his project, and I was really moved with the great charity work Eric Clapton has done with his addiction treatment Crossroads Center in Antigua with his guitars. If Eric had the knowledge I have with this project and planned his project with the process I am using, he would have raised millions and millions more to help his treatment centers. I am doing this project not just as an extension of what I think Bob or Michael and/or what I think Jimi would have done in my current position, I am also doing it from the heart. Eric (addressing Mr. Eric Clapton), we have never met. Get in touch if you are interested! In my case, just like Mr. Clapton, he have done it from the heart, to make a difference, and give back.
How do people benefit by supporting this project?
Gary Guitar:
This is a grassroots project and is for everyday people such as myself. Besides my interesting lifestyle, I am the same as everyone else. This project is for anyone who have big goals and dreams for themselves and/or for the charities of their choice. With their support, they will help raise monies for all the charities I personally believe in for a multitude of reasons. They are not only helping the charities of my choice but also the charities of their choice with their submissions chosen category. Plus, the bonus is someone will receive the only guitar in the public domain of Bob Marley that is worth over 6.5 million US dollars at the “1LuckyFan” event. We are all in this together. We’re now online and up and running. It’s really a win-win situation for everyone!
The chosen categories you have for people to submit their essay/letters, how do they benefit by promoting this project?
Gary Guitar:
I want to make it very clear that besides snail mail, all the submission essay/letters will be processed on a single website . If you are registering online, just click “Get Registered”, or, go to “Submit My Essay”. And, just follow the easy steps. It’s very important that one follows the simple instructions and please do read the terms and guidelines on the website. You must have a valid email to register. Once you verified your email, you will be forwarded to Paypal’s secured website for your payment. After successful payment, you will be able to submit your essay/letter. Once you submit your essay/letter, a pop up window will appear to finalize your submission. You must select how you came to website and heard about the “Five Hundred Million Dollar Industry Charity Challenge” Bob Marley custom Washburn guitar charity-based event. Whether you select your Radio station, Newspaper, Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, Talk show hosts, Twitter and/or Wristband. The goal is what category you had come to the website so that the selected entities charity will receive up to one million dollars if you are one of the lucky ten selected from the analytics program. We invite everyone worldwide to participate as this is to help our fellow brothers and sisters. Someone we call the “1LuckyFan” will end up with a guitar that is very expensive and rare for a simple $10 US dollars processing fee plus taxes. The website has multi-level security features and is a Comodo secure security locked site and all the payment systems goes through PayPal. As I believe everyone worldwide is fully aware that PayPal is very secure and deals with currency conversion from country to country. All essay/letter submissions fees from other countries will be converted to US Dollars. I can’t think of a better way to do a project worldwide better than this process. We also have a “Help Center” on the website for additional support.
Earlier, you touched upon snail mail letter submissions. Can you provide more details about how this process is done?
Gary Guitar:
Yes, you can send what we call snail mail or regular postal mail.
A person would have to address the letter to:
Attn to: Bob’s Guitar
c/o Canada Post Security Building
Bureau 15
33973 Gladys Avenue
Abbotsford, British Columbia
V2S 2E8
If a person decides to send snail mail, the submission essay/letter must be the standard North American letter size of 8.5 x 11 inch or the European standard letter size the A7 format. The essay/letter submission has to be a single page of 750 words or less and can be double-sided. The essay/letter should preferably be typed. If handwritten, the writing must be very clear and readable. This is so ScanHouse can scan it properly as all the writing is turned into readable text. The next step, the submission is processed with data programs that go through the analytics program.
Payments for all the essay/letter submission formats such as money orders, bank drafts, certified checks, or Money grams, and Western Union must be addressed to BOBS GUITAR through the regular postal system. We will not accept any checks, bank drafts or money orders that are not certified, and/or bank registered. We don’t want to encourage sending cash through the mail but if you must, we will accept cash and it must be the equivalent of $10 US dollars. All essay/letter submissions through snail mail or postal mail services system, the sender accepts full responsibility and fully accepts that cannot guarantee theft and/or any lost or stolen submissions, as this area is out of our control. The one hundred percent onus is on the sender of the essay/letter submissions and they accept full responsibility waving all legal torts and liability claims and/or second or third degree tortious acts by other parties against and the organizer. We suggest you send your essay/letters with a tracking number for your peace of mind. Again, the one hundred percent onus is on the sender of all essay/letter submissions.
Can a person submit more than one essay/letter?
Gary Guitar:
The answer is yes. I personally have seven charities that I currently support along with others in the past for different private reasons. I feel that a person just like me may have more than one charity that they are involved with or believe in. So, I feel that it’s fair for everyone to have a chance for more than one charity to participate as this benefits all our fellow brothers and sisters on our planet. If you have 100 charities in your heart, submit and write and register a hundred essay/letters.
How is this a three-year project?
Gary Guitar:
I am putting all three guitars up for charity: The first year will be Bob’s Custom Washburn Hawk guitar; the second year will be Jimi’s 1962 Fender “Rose” Stratocaster guitar; and, the third year will be Mike’s Gibson Victory MVX guitar. I am also currently speaking with Leon Hendrix and this may result in having his 1964 Sunburst Fender Stratocaster available as an addition to this charity project. Jimi gave Leon this guitar on September 6,1968 as a gift when he played Seattle Center Coliseum. This is a great way for Leon to give to the charities close to his heart and raise money for the Hendrix Music Academy of which he is the chairman. I have been in talks with two people that have confirmed this guitar did in fact belong to Jimi himself. So, full providence will be provided to me exclusively for this project – only if this works out with Leon. So, I am doing this “1LuckyFan” charity-based project on the simple idea that a fan would submit a skilled merits based essay/letter of 750 words or less. It should explain why they and/or their charity should receive this custom Washburn Hawk guitar. Somebody will end up with Bob’s guitar for $10 US dollars. This process will be repeated for each one of the guitars for three years consecutively. Starting this year (2018), the site is The second year, people would go to And, the third year, the site will be The website will automatically reject submissions on a pre-selected date. Any submissions received by snail mail after the submission date will not be returned from the sender and the participant’s $10 US dollars fee received will be divided evenly between all the supported charities we have listed on our website. I would love to do this project for a 4th and 5th year. If anyone has Ludwig Van Beethoven’s piano or Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart’s piano, please do get in touch.
What happens to all the online submission letters and participants data collected?
Gary Guitar:
Security is and has been a top priority from day one. This is why we have an in-house security specialist. One more very important area we want to cover is that we want everyone to be aware of any fraud and scams that can happen around of such a worldwide event. All of the emails and personal data of participants submitted to the website and from snail mail will be destroyed. This will be destroyed within a week after the guitar handover at the “1LuckyFan”concert event at the luxury five-star diamond internationally famous Hard Rock Casino Molson Theater in Vancouver, Canada. None of the information collected will be rented out or sold. Once the data text analytics program has selected the ten finalists from the submitted essay/letters, all data will be automatically destroyed with a non-recoverable built-in auto delete scrubber program. We will send out our email blasts to all of our participants to let them beware of any security concerns. Also, we will also have postings on our site for everyone to access. We ask that they report any scams to their local police department and to any online fraud alert sites available such as Individual countries worldwide have their own fraud alert sites. If any one comes across and is aware of any fake, cloning or scammy websites copied from our website to defraud people, please contact us immediately at .
Are you going to be selling any merchandise for people to buy?
Gary Guitar:
My team and I are currently in talks with Amazon and their amazing ” Amazon Fulfillment Program”, which is worldwide. We are hoping we will be online with this program soon as this has been a slow process. Anyone interested that wants any of the “1LuckyFan” merchandise can pre-register. More information is available on the website. This has been really slow with Amazon. So, if anyone knows how to get in touch with Jeff Bezos, let me know. Or, Jeff, if you are reading this, get in touch. We could talk about how we could raise funds with this charity-theme based project in a partnership with Amazon. Let’s help both our charities. Anyone should go to “Wear Your Support” on the website.
What is planned for the merchandise line?
Gary Guitar:
The line is called “1LuckyFan” and it includes silicone security-coded wristbands, bandana, t-shirts, and hoodies. I would like to point out that anyone can purchase any merchandise without submitting an essay/letter.
Can you please explain how the silicone security-encoded 1LuckyFan wristbands program works?
Gary Guitar:
The way that the silicone security-encoded “1LuckyFan” wristband program works is very simple. Each applicant that purchases the encoded “1LuckyFan” wristband can do so without submitting an essay/letter at the start of the ownership of the wristband. And, please be aware that with the “1LuckyFan” wristband, this helps support the charity-based project. There will only be two million silicone “1LuckyFan” wristbands available worldwide. This is easy as one just goes online and fills out the required information to purchase the “1LuckyFan” wristband. The cost is only $15 US dollars each not including shipping and handling as this will vary depending on where in the world you reside. Only six thousand in total out of the two million will be embedded with the security code worldwide. The placement for the six thousand security-encoded “1LuckyFan” wristbands is divided into six continents on the planet to make it fair and balanced for everyone to participate in the program. So, the breakdown is this: one thousand will go to Africa; one thousand will go to Asia; one thousand will go to Europe; one thousand will go to North America; one thousand will go to South America; and, one thousand will be in Australia. When the time comes, an email will be sent out to all the silicone “1LuckyFan” wristband purchasers, and they will all be informed on the steps to access the embedded security code on their “1LuckyFan” wristband. Once they access the encoded security coded information and if they have one of the six thousand “1LuckyFan” wristbands, they will submit the information to the Contact Us on the website for verification. We will inform all the purchasers of the security encoded “1LuckyFan” wristband. They will then submit an essay/letter as required on the site. Once all their submissions are processed through the analytics program, they will be notified by email and phone. An invitation will be sent to them to be on stage in front of the selection committee of ten diversified individuals with the other “1LuckyFan” nine selected participants at the guitar handover and concert event. They must accept the invitation by the specified date and attend the event at the luxury five-star diamond internationally famous Hard Rock Casino Molson Theater in Vancouver, Canada.
How did you get involved in the music industry and become connected with all these great people.
Gary Guitar:
Music till this day is in my life. I was around the age of about 15 to16 when I had the opportunity to meet the musician TREX, which is Marc Bolan my first rock star. This was October the 21, 1974, at the Vancouver Pacific Coliseum – a sold out show of standing room only with over 18,000 fans. I had my first guitar lesson from Marc. He showed me how to do an E chord and an A chord. I had learned upside down and left-handed as it was easier to see where he had his fingers on the fretboard. That little lesson changed my life forever. He was a major rock star and I was a very naive, new virgin at the time about the “music business” as I was just a regular 16-year old kid. As I got older, I got to know a lot of the promoters and band managers that passed through Vancouver. I met Hugh Picket, Drew Burns and Concerts West, and people in Perryscope Productions. As an example, I had just after forty years started up a friendship again with the legend Boyd Grafmyre, which put on the Seattle Pop Festival on July 25-27, 1969 of which over fifty thousand fans attended. These are just a few friends I have met over these years.
At the time, I had some very wise words of wisdom from an old family friend that I have very deep respect for, and that is Terry David Mulligan. A top world class FM radio DJ who gave me great learned advise that when you meet these personalities in the music industry, don’t be a groupie. He said, “Whatever you see whoever you meet, keep it to yourself. Don’t ask for pictures or autographs. Don’t ask for anything. Don’t talk to the media as an insider they would love to talk to you. As a matter of fact, don’t even tell your friends who you meet as you will have a lot of friends you don’t need.” Boy he was really right about this one. He went on to say that not really much goes on backstage and it’s actually a lot more boring than you’d think in many ways. Well, I could write a three-foot thick book on this subject.
So, I was never a groupie that was right out of my head from the beginning. I’m not that person anyway with his advise or not. That being said, I’ve been grateful to meet a lot of very interesting people as friends. I’ve met B.B. King, Allan Holdsworth, Yngwie Malmsteen, Sarah Mclachlan (I love her school of music), Ziggy Marley, Stephen Marley, Gord Downie, Steve Vai, Jeff Healey, Keith Moon (that’s a story in itself), Noel Redding (Jimi Hendrix’s great jazz drummer for the “Jimi Hendrix Experence”). Him and I talked for about a few hours at the Commodore Ballroom, a live intimate club. So, I got a real inside view on Jimi, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Golden Earring, Long John Baldry (a long Vancouver resident), and Rogers Nelson (you all know him as “Prince”). I’ve met Leroy Roosevelt “Sugarfoot” Bonner, the guitar player for the Ohio Players along with Bill Nelson (the incredible guitar player from the band BeBop Deluxe). I was lucky to be very close friends with Jeff Healey – what a guitar player and a great person! When I first met Jeff and saw him play at a place in Vancouver called the Yale hotel, I thought, “Great! Now, I need to grow a sixth finger because of his style of guitar playing.” Jeff was a real Canadian treasure. We lost Jeff in 2008. The world famous Yale Hotel has been home to anyone and ever one that’s great in the music industry. I will only need to name one that has done gigs at the Yale John Lee Hooker. I have met most that have played the Yale (too many to talk about). And, the Yale is still in business since 1889. I met Jeff Beck when he played the Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver. I love his style of guitar playing. I was amazed to learn that he does not use a guitar pick to play. I was really impressed when I met Randy Rhoads as this was the future of rock guitar hands down and only 24 years old at the time when I seen how he played it just opened my mind in a different direction for guitar. This was in 1981 at a small place called the Kerrisdale Arena when he played in Vancouver with Ozzy Osbourne’s Blizzard of Ozz Tour. I must say that one person that was a hundred years ahead of everyone else on guitar on the planet is when I met Allan Holdsworth in 1986. This gig was at the Town Pump in Vancouver, Canada. I will never ever forget the show and how he played. I just wanted to go home and sacrifice all my guitars to the Valkyries in Valhalla that said, “I will cherish my two or so hours talking with a guitar genius that was Allan”. He was a very humble, down to earth soul and very very blessed. As far as a non-musician, the king, the great one himself Muhammad Ali, he had a fight in Vancouver May 1,1972. He did his workout at the Northwest Eagles gym for two days in North Vancouver. I went with my Dad. I got to talk to him each time for about ten minutes. He left a very big impression on me. He was amazing! I was fourteen years old at the time and my first celebrity I had met. I guess this started me on the path of where I am now. One person that I have great respect for was Long John Baldry – a really cool class act. What can you say about a musical artist that the Rolling Stones and the Beatles use to open his shows for in Europe? He is music royalty and a genuine legend. I had known Long John Baldry for just over forty years and I met him in this really cool place in the past called Gary Taylor’s Rock Room. Let me tell you… if those walls could talk. Gary is one of the main principles for Canadian Music Week (CMW) and runs Gary Taylor Management. Long John Baldry made Vancouver his home base and his contacts list for musicians is the holy grail. What more can you say about Long John Baldry except, “Don’t try to lay no boogie-woogie on the king of rock and roll”. The list just goes on and on. Like I said, I have been doing this for over forty years. I must say looking back I have met and still know some very interesting talented individuals. Myself, being a guitar player, I relate to guitar players. That’s what I like – playing guitar. I’m a guitar player. Guitar is my thing!
How often do you play these three guitars?
Gary Guitar:
Great question! You will be surprised, the answer is no. The three guitars are locked up in a bank vault in Vancouver. This security precaution was set up by a lawyer that is the front lawyer for the lawyer that actually set up the process so I don’t even know who the lawyer is. I can either view the guitars or remove them from the vault once everyone has signed off on the procedures criteria. If and when any of the guitars are physically removed, this is done by Loomis or Brinks Armored armored truck under armed guards. Any and/or just one of the guitars require four separate signatures to be removed from the vault. None of the four people know each other. I don’t even know who they are. I believe they know who I am. With the correct answers to six security questions per person alone in a secure room attended by armed guard, when all is determined fine, I can then remove or view the guitars. It’s an involved process to remove one or all. I am fine with this as I have other great guitars to play so I’m happy. You may think this is extreme. When I was dealing with the Hard Rock corporate offices back in 1998 about my Bob Marley guitar, I was sent a letter that said that if they bought the guitar that they would need to lock it up for security reasons and be unable to put up for public display. Plus, their insurance company would not schedule the guitar for a floater coverage policy. I almost fell on the floor because the Hard Rock is all about displaying the memorabilia they have.
What do you think people expect from you after this project?
Gary Guitar:
I would like to accomplish my charitable endeavours with the Jimi Hendrix Foundation (JHF), which is run by Joe Rosignolo in San Diego, California. JHF is a 501(c)(3) US entity. This entity was set up by Jimi Hendrix’s father Al Hendrix. The foundation helps at risk youth, veterans and other areas with various programs. A great Hendrix family legacy to help kids and those in need. The goal is to better and help rebuild an already great foundation in order to help at-risk youths to keep them away from guns, drugs, and gangs. This is achieved by getting the kids involved in music programs and career guidance. I believe very deeply in their music therapy and music programs that they have provided to kids for free. To be able to participate and help provide these kind of programs around the globe would be a great personal accomplishment.
As a former professional musician, band manager, entertainment agency owner, along with myself being a former bad boy, no one knows what goes through these kids lives unless you have walked in their shoes and I have. My knowledge and experience in the industry would help benefit the foundation. That is why Leon Hendrix and I started the Jimi Hendrix Family Foundation here in the Hendrix family hometown of Vancouver, Canada. Leon and I have gotten to know each other well over a 7-year period. Leon has really impressed me with his charity ambitions and goals including addiction to help others. I also like what Leon has done with his music career in such as short time as he started very late as a guitar player. He and I will work together on this Hendrix-based charity as he is the Chairman. We will be able to help at-risk youths to keep them away from guns, drugs, and gangs in Canada.
I will also be working with the Charles Darwin entities with the great work they do worldwide. The animals on this very small planet we live on need help especially endangered species. They have a very loud voice with the foundation. I have also been working on putting together a law firm over the last seven months. The firm is called the “GJC LAW GROUP”. I have done this to help others that can’t afford lawyers in this one particular area of law, and our services will be free from day one till the last day of court for the clients. We only get paid at the end of the legal case when court is settled. How will we finance this endeavor at the start is genius. This is all done by debt financing and with my contacts in this industry where we will have access to millions of dollars. This firm will be working in a very bespoke area of law in Canada once we are up and going. Once we get going, we will (I promise you) be in the Canadian papers from coast to coast on a full-time basis. And, we will change the lives in this particularly targetted morally corrupt industry we will be pursuing. Currently, I have a total of 15 lawyers that are on board from coast to coast. Three of the lawyers are ex-judges that stepped down from the positions they held in the past and now practice privately. We are looking for a start of seven lawyers per province for a total of seventy across Canada to start with. Overall, we will have around sixty lawyers per province with a total of six hundred barristers. But, for now, we will just grow slowly one day over a period of time.
What is the $10 USD essay/letters submission processing fee for?
Gary Guitar:
The paid essay/letters submission processing fee of $10 US dollars plus taxes is for the analytics program to review the 750 words or less for the merits based skills essay/letter submitted and supporting charities. The analytics program will process the millions of the essay/letters submitted both the online submissions and the snail mail submissions explaining why you think you and or your charity should receive Bob Marley’s custom Washburn Hawk guitar. You can submit your essay/letter through snail mail or on our website Simply going to the center of Bob’s guitar on our home page and where it says “GET REGISTERED”. There will be a clear dropdown menu for the categories to select where they heard about this project. If you are selected as one of the
“THE LUCKY SELECTED TEN”, the category that you chose in the dropdown menu will receive a charity donation of up to one million dollars, thus, the “Five Hundred Million Dollar Industry for Charity Challenge”. As there will be a substantial amount of competition between the media outlets worldwide, we will be able to reach our projected goal. This now gives all the charity challenge entities the carte blanche opportunity to promote their media/social entities for their audience and fans to get the word out.
The ten chosen essay/letter submissions by the analytics program will be contacted and when verified, they will have their merits skill-based submissions essay/letter posted along with a photo and bio on who they are and the charity they support. We will this will be posted on the site under the “THE LUCKY SELECTED TEN”.
How much money can you expect to raise overall for the three years with this project?
Gary Guitar:
We call it the “Five Hundred Million Dollar Industry for Charity Challenge” for a reason. The goal is to raise $500 million US dollars or more in 365 days. This is for all the charities that I personally believe in and are involved for the first year with the “1LuckyFan” receiving the Bob Marley custom Washburn Hawk guitar. We are currently talking to other charities who are interested in coming on aboard for the other two years. It’s a bit of a process and it’s not an unrealistic amount of money. David Foster did an event in 2017 in Vancouver and raised (I think) over $10 million dollars in just four or five hours. Absolutely amazing! But, I’m not David Foster. David Foster is definitely an eagle amongst eagles to say the least. So our goal is to raise $500 hundred million US dollars or more in 365 days to help these charities that I (personally) and the participants believe in. This will be the same goal for each of the three years for an overall total of $1.5 billion US dollars. It’s not an unrealistic expectation. Don’t forget that the $10 US dollars essay/letter submission processing fee is what pays for this project to run properly throughout its own course and the charities you and I believe in, which is helping our fellow brothers and sisters.
Do you mind telling us how much money you personally make for this three-year guitar charity project?
Gary Guitar:
Wow! You have really caught me off guard and broadsided me with this question. Just kidding! I personally get a dollar per year and for the three years – a total of three dollars. Believe it or not – Mark Zuckerberg gets the same annually from his company Facebook. I personally think he should at least get two dollars a year.
Has anybody made offers to buy these very rare amazing guitars in your collection? But, at the same time, I would like to know in particular a little more about the Bob Marley guitar.
Gary Guitar:
I had a few people find me on the internet along with word-of-mouth and somehow my email address has found its way to these multi-millionaires and billionaire collectors. They got in touch with me by email along with a very long list of others over a period of time about wanting guitars and other rare equipment that I own. I received emails from Mr. Ho, who I think owns casinos in China and Mr. Koemmerling, an international businessman extraordinaire from Germany.
Both are very hot on these three guitars I own along with other individuals I can’t name right now. When you own the only two guitars that I own as two of them are the only guitars owned by Bob Marley and Michael Jackson out there in the public domain in the world, this opens a whole different world of opportunities.
As I was very busy at the time with personal matters, I did an introduction from Mr. Koemmerling and Mr. Ho to this great broker Antoine Gedroyc. He is the owner of Antoine specializes in rare vintage and antique musical instruments, guitars amps, foot pedals and musical gear of this nature. One area that Mr. Gedroyc caught my attention in is that he has dealt very extensively with celebrity-owned equipment, which is a different world all together especially when it comes to deceased musicians. He has a very deep Rolodex but more importantly to me. The fact is that he is a very insightful, knowledgeable person in his field and a fantastic broker altogether.
Between Mr. Koemmerling and Mr. Ho, the amounts of money being offered for the Bob Marley guitar along with the Jimi Hendrix guitar and the Michael Jackson guitar were increasingly getting larger. It started from hundreds of thousands at a time then going up hitting several million dollars US dollars. The top offer I refused for the Michael Jackson guitar was close to $3.5 million in US as I had come to learn that the numbers were increasing for something I did not know at the time. As it turns out this was the one and only guitar that Michael Jackson actually ever owned and the same with Bob Marley’s guitar being in this case the “one and only guitar in the public domain on the planet. I had refused the offers from Mr. Koemmerling and Mr. Ho along with Michael Lee Chin from Canada who offered me $6.5 million in US for the Bob Marley custom Washburn Hawk guitar and this was back in 2004. I kindly declined all their offers and I had let them know why I refused these amazing offers and that I had made the decision that I was putting the three guitars up for charity. They all have been very gracefully and respectful of my decision. In my talks with Mr. Koemmerling and Mr. Ho along with Mr. Gedroyc, they had given me the right of which I am very grateful that I have permission from all three to post the offers on our website (if we chose to do so). We are currently working on this. Michael, I believe, was setting up a Reggae museum in his birthplace of Jamaica. As this is the only guitar from Bob Marley on the planet in the public domain and with my other guitars, I will be able to help charities for the next three years. We, as a team, wish we could do this a fourth and fifth year.
Throughout my research about you online, I came across a Leon Hendrix Facebook page. There is alleged information on you that is both slanderous and not very flattering. What is that about as they are very legally libellous statements?
Gary Guitar:
This is a perfect example that you can’t believe everything online and that we must all be aware of this fact. Anyone can be a victim of bullying even a guy like myself. If this can happen to me, it can happen to anyone. Nobody should tolerate bullying from anyone or any entities that think they can push anyone or people around in our society. In my case, this is not my first rodeo. If you are bullied, be strong and reach out and talk to someone immediately. Look for people around you that are strong and can be your ally as this beats bullies every time especially if you address the situation right away.
Yes, I am very aware of this along with my legal team. I must say it’s slander at its best. I hope that the fake site controller and/or the author of the slander has a very large defense fund as we are going to be very good friends through my lawyer. Leon and I have had a long talk about this as we talk weekly. To be polite, he is very “through the ceiling” upset about how someone around him can post and hijack his full legal name along with his Facebook page without his authorization and permission. Unfortunately, Leon has clowns that come into his life and this has caused him lots of legal problems. One must remember that Leon is one of my very trusted selection committee members for the “1LuckyFan” event.
Do you know that someone has even been going around impersonating Leon? This person would be very easy to expose. Just give them a guitar and say play purple haze with your teeth. Well, I have seen Leon do this and the imposter. Well, good luck!. Will the real Leon Hendrix please stand up and play guitar? Being the brother of the greatest electric guitar player on the planet has its own caveat as I have seen Leon handled most of it very gracefully. The Leon I know has always been a class act. The site that has the slander is “leonhendrixofficial” on Facebook. It’s a play on Leon’s real site on Myspace “LeonHendrixOfficial”. The fake Facebook page has some very weird obsolete postings. I think the last posting was January 11, 2017- so it’s not very updated. It’s not very official as Leon has been to quite a few places on the planet since then. As an example (in our talks), he told me he was off the Europe back in May on a very exclusive intensive music and speaking tour. Leon believes that the site is being controlled by a disgruntled con-artist ex-manager that he fired and has hijacked his name and holding his name. Basically, the person is holding his site hostage. As far as the fake Facebook page attached with his name, I have left Leon to handle the site issue himself. If anyone has any inquiries, they can get in touch with Leon at
I will tell you in the world of Hendrix, certain parties do consider me a very large threat as I know the truth in many of the areas of the Hendrix world. So as I will say to Leon’s ex-manager, “Tough luck!”. As a quick example, Leon along with the Hendrix family members know that there are children of Jimi’s out in society. They would like to know who their real nephews and nieces are. In a pursuit of truth, Leon Hendrix DNA along with another family member was submitted as we are looking at the mitochondria bloodline from Leon and Jimi’s mother. What’s great about this DNA strand is that the fathers are one hundred percent eliminated. This is how they confirmed and found King Richard on August 3, 2012. The King of England lived around six hundred years ago during the medieval era in Europe. So after all this time, he is found underneath a parking lot in Leicester, England.
Where I am going with this? It is a world exclusive for you in the Hendrix territory. We know four undocumented descendents of Jimi Hendrix. We also know biologically who two of Jimi Hendrix’s grandchildren are along with two of his children are. One is a great, very beautiful daughter named Jasmine living in the United States. And, other one is a boy living in England. In this territory, this also exposes any fake sons and/or daughters out in the public domain that have been making such claims.
One of these people I have exposed with Leon’s help is a male that lives in a place called White Rock, which is here in British Columbia, Canada. Leon along with the Hendrix family knows the truth about this male but this clown keeps on telling everyone that he’s Jimi’s son when he knows that he is not and has been told that he’s not. The DNA does not lie so the people of White Rock, be aware.
As far as lawsuits go, there are certain entities around Leon currently being sued several times along with past legal actions by the legitimate holders of the Jimi Hendrix brand of which I really can’t blame them, and I fully respect them for doing so. Just go online and put in “Jimi Hendrix lawsuits” and have a good read for the next few months. Oh, just to let you know… my name is not in any of the legal actions. You can find Leon’s true online pages at and www.myspace/leonhendrixofficial.
Will there be advertising opportunities on the website?
Gary Guitar:
Yes! I must admit that it has been a tough decision to make on this. We will be viewing every contract submission in this area with a fine tooth comb. So, yes! Paid advertising is now available for placements on the site. Interested parties can submit their inquiries on our website at .
Will you be doing any other interviews pertaining to the guitars for this overall charity project besides the Charles Darwin Press Release Agency? I am asking this as I know and believe that you will be deluged by thousands of requests worldwide.
Gary Guitar:
This has been deeply on my mind before even talking to you as the world is very small with the internet wrapped around our planet. I must say that you have impressed me with the diversity and range of questions you have covered. The way you challenged me with how in-depth you have been has been a great learning experience for me. Your homework really comes through. I really don’t have much else to say. You have really covered all areas of this project. I’m just the guy with the guitars trying to help our fellow brothers and sisters with an interesting multi-themed, charity-based project. I do have permission from your Chairman of the Charles Darwin Press Release Agency to post this interview on the website. This is only going to happen with one condition. That is, you are given full credit for the interview of which I fully oblige. In doing so, I have the full permission to give the international press corps and other forms of media to use the contents of this interview and information on the website in a respectful, honest and responsible way for their full use and fully crediting your agency. That being said, we have set up, as a course of action, an email address for all interview requests. We will try and address all inquiries to address thousands worldwide. It will be a challenge, and we will just take it one day at a time. We have Frequently Asked Questions in our Our Help Centre page found on our website or at
I want to thank you for being very patient as I know you are very busy with this charity endeavor. You have been very candid with this interview. We, at the Charles Darwin Press Release Agency, wishes you along with your guitars for charity team all the best on this incredible three-year charity guitar project and more.
Gary Guitar:
A big thank you for the time and patience you took to interview me. My entire guitar charity team at are thrilled and happy to have CDPRA as part of this great experience!