Online Essay Entry
Theme: Why I Deserve The Gift from the King of Pop?
To send your essay online, you must go to the online registration page and follow the required steps.
- Submissions received after closing date will not be returned
- If you are chosen among the 7 finalists, you must be available to travel between Mar 29 – 31, 2019 to attend 1 Lucky Fan event in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
- Finalists will be announced on
- Finalists will be contacted by phone and/or email as provided in the registration. If for some reason, the finalist could not be contacted or would not be able to attend the event, another finalist will be chosen as their replacement.
- By submitting your registration, you have agreed the terms and guidelines, privacy policy and disclaimer of
* No refunds for essay entries
Mail-in Essay Entry
Theme: Why I Deserve The Gift from the King of Pop?
To send your essay by postal mail, you must go to the online registration page and follow the required steps.
Entries submitted by postal mail must include the printed .pdf file which includes your name, address, phone number, e-mail, country of residence, age as of March 16 , 2018, school name (if applicable), partner’s name (if applicable) and word count.
* Entries missing any of the above information will not be considered.
* We are unable to confirm receipt of essays.
- Must not include US legal tender – only certified cheques and money order of $10 payable to MIKESGUITAR (written as one word)
- Submissions received after closing date will not be returned
- If you are chosen among the 7 finalists, you must be available to travel between Mar 29 – 31, 2019 to attend 1 Lucky Fan event in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
- Finalists will be announced on
- Finalists will be contacted by phone and/or email as provided in the registration. If for some reason, the finalist could not be contacted or would not be able to attend the event, another finalist will be chosen as their replacement.
- By submitting your registration, it means you have agreed the terms and guidelines, privacy policy and disclaimer of
- MIKESGUITAR shall have no liability for loss or damage of Mail-in essays containing any types of monetary payments such as banknotes, certified cheques, money order etc.).
* No refunds for essay entries